
Sunday Calm [Features 1]

Calm. Peace. Reflection. Joy. Simplicity. Beauty. 
How do you see it? 

Really, it's different for each of us. If you follow me on Instagram you may recognize the hashtag I started by accident 21 weeks ago, #HCLCsundaycalm. After a particularly trying week I was feeling exhausted and frustrated. On Saturday I was shampooing the living room carpet so I moved my antique nursing rocking chair into the kitchen. It's the one that my Mother used with us as babies and had recently given me. I left it there while the carpet dried overnight. On Sunday morning the sun was shining in beautifully on it. I liked the chair against the wood walls and floor. It was simple and peaceful. I picked up a crock full of dried lavender that usually sits on a table in the living room and put it on the floor beside the chair. It just said "calm" to me. And it was comforting. So I posted it on Instagram and called it Sunday Calm. 

Since then folks on Instagram have been sharing their views of Sunday Calm. They are all so varied and intriguing; like calm spots in their homes, beautiful nature shots, favorite activities and thoughtful musings. Recently it hit me that I should be sharing those fantastic photos here.

 So now every Sunday I will be sharing some of my favorites from the previous week here as well as on Instagram. Because we can all use a little more calmness, peacefulness, beauty, and joy in our lives. I hope you join in and link up on Instagram using #HCLCsundaycalm to share your view.

This week's features are:

Sara of twelveonmain @twelveonmain and her super cozy reading nook hideaway in twinkle lights

@farmanager Janet's lovely hand made quilt waiting for her on her porch

@carolinemailhot Caroline's dreamy bedroom in the morning light

And @finally_a_farmgirl's gorgeous day spent with her family

Don't you feel happy just looking at those photos? As always, I truly appreciate everyone who takes the time to share their photos. Check back next week to see more feature from #HCLCsundaycalm